10 Landscape Grade plants. You would normally expect to pay about $15.00 each at a garden centre for these.
Great Lizard Habitat.
Melicytus alpinus get their common name, porcupine shrub, from the long, almost leafless, spindly branches which resemble the quills of a porcupine. Its leaves are narrow and generally have smooth margins with a few exceptions with serrated edges, however, they do only have a small amount of leaves and they are only approximately 1cm long. Hard and dense, slow-growing in coastal or alpine areas of southern North Island and the South Island it looks almost leafless. But most of the leaves are sheltered between the stiff interlacing stems as an adaptation to the harsh environment where the plant grows. Leaves are variable, leathery.
Melicytus alpinus is very well adapted to extreme weather conditions such as drought, which is why it can be found in areas such as the heavily modified high country of the South Island.
Melicytus alpinus is a habitat to many lizards endemic to New Zealand, this group of lizards include both skinks and geckos. This relationship is mutually beneficial as the lizards use the porcupine shrub as protection from weather and/or predators and in turn eat and spread the seeds from the shrub’s berries.
Habitat: Occurs east of the Southern Alps in exposed rocky places between 600m and 1.300m. Found in the wild on very light sand or rocky soils, or on rock outcrops in full sun though it grows on any well-drained soil.
These are small plants. Very slow growing
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