Humate 5kg
Effects on soil fertility.
Physically, they promote good soil structure and increase the water holding capacity of the soil.
Biologically, they affect the activities of microorganisms.
Chemically, they serve as an adsorption and retention complex for inorganic plant nutrients.
Nutritionally, they are sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulphur for plants and microorganisms.
This humate rich material sourced from within New Zealand is extracted from the rider seam at the New Vale coal mine. For years locals have accessed this seam.
Humate materials are widely distributed organic carbon containing compounds found in soils, fresh water, and oceans. These substances are formed from the biological and chemical breakdown of animal and plant life, and make up approximately 75 percent of the organic matter that exists in most mineral soils.
Humates play a direct role in determining the production potential of a soil.
In soils void of significant quantities of clay minerals and organic matter, the addition of humates can have an impact on soil fertility which may be noticeable in the form of improved plant growth.
Humates provide a full spectrum of organic acids including humic and fulvic acids, which are essential for plant development.
These act as organic chelator which enhance the uptake and utilisation of plant nutrients in fertilisers.
The cation exchange capacity of the soil increases improving the transfer of nutrients through cell membranes of plant root material. Many university studies have confirmed the benefits of Humates for agriculture:
We strongly recommend HuMates as the perfect soil conditioner and accompaniment to fertiliser whether you use the natural form, pellets, powder or liquid. However, there may be occasions when you feel that humic or fulvic by themselves are more suitable and so we also provide these products. The use of fulvic in foliar fertiliser sprays would be a good example.
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