Landscape Grade plants. You would normally expect to pay about $9.00 each at a garden centre for these.
Griselinia littoralis
It is native evergreen tree found throughout New Zealand in forests from sea level to 1000m , forming an dense bushy tree with has deep green oval leaves. It grows up to 20 m tall, though often much less, particularly in coastal exposure. It can tolerate a wide range of conditions. The leaves are alternate, leathery, glossy yellow-green above, paler and matt below, 6-14 cm long, oval with a smooth margin.
Griselinia littoralis produces male and female flowers on seperate trees. They are borne on 2-5 cm long panicles, each panicle with 50-100 individual flowers, Male flowers are about 5mm diameter; females about 3mm diameter and both have petals..
These plants are extremely healthy, Out door grown in South Canterbury’s harsh conditions. Grown in Pots 85mm x 85mm x 90mm.
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